Datenbank #1140

Finish allocation processes

Added by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Status:NeuStart date:03/03/2023
Priority:NormalDue date:03/12/2023
Assignee:Thomas Mielke% Done:


Category:-Estimated time:80.00 h
Target version:-Spent time:10.00 h



  • Invoice.amount/shared_amount are only helper attributes for testing the invoicing, should be replaced by UtilisationIndicators.invoice_amount = UtilizationIndicators.administration_fee + UtilizationIndicators.distribution_amount
  • relationship see also database diagram
  • use erpserver> db-console for a tryton console to test the functions; maybe write a script with some objects initialized and import it there

    >>> Tariff = pool.get('tariff_system.tariff')
    >>> tariff = Tariff(1)


  1. Write a wizard to trigger the allocation process
    • can be triggered by
      • cron job
      • manual action
        • in Declaration Menu (action in entry view or on selected items in list view)
        • in Utilization Menu (action in entry view or on selected items in list view). Maybe we could skip that, but probable it's a valid usecase, like:
          • if some utilization (tariff bound!) of a declaration should be payed for and some other has issues to be resolved first
          • or a multi day festival event and the utilisations should be split.
    • creates allocations with all corresponding utilisations connected, one allocation for each licensee
    • loops over different sets of declarations depending on where/how the action was triggered (algorithm should be generic, see next point confirm screen how this is done; not sure, how to handle the same action with different selections though, all other things should be similiar to the existing example):
      • declarations list with no selection: all suitable declarations with suitable utilisations (default for the cron job e.g. each day)
      • declarations list with selection: all suitable declaration.utilisations for each selected suitable declaration
      • declaration entry: all suitable declaration.utilisations for this declaration (if suitable)
      • utilisations list with no selection: all suitable selected utilisations
      • utilisations list with selection: all suitable utilisations in list
      • utilisation entry: this utilisation (if suitable)
    • confirm screen (like in fingerprint_merge, maybe a tree list with declarations -> utilisations)
      • list of definitely selected utilisations/declarations
      • info on deselection of non suitable utilisations/declarations
  2. Write a dataset triggering the wizard for some Declarations
    • ensure, that non complete utilisation datasets for manual tests are still available
  3. Implement the Tariff and TariffSystem formulas from database diagram

    • fomulas should have the exact same plain value parameters as stated in the tariff system (check the latest version), so that parametrized calling is possible via formula = getattr(tariff, 'method_name'). they should not receive some tryton object, so they can be used (and tested) standalone
    • each formula should be one static method

      • TariffSystem parameters: tariff system version (dot replaced with underscore); like

        def formula_<tariffsystemversion>(...):
            return invoice_amount
      • Tariff parameters: tariff code (includes version already, dot replaced with underscore); one for each tariff; like

        def formula_<tariffcode>(...):
            return base, relevance, adjustments
      • maybe better change the tariff_system.version.code, that it is save to use as function names in general and omit the replacements here

    • add an instance method, to be able to easily fetch the corresponding formula from an instance

      • TariffSystem

        def get_formula(self):
            return getattr(self, f"formula_{self.version.replace(',', '_')}")
      • Tariff

        def get_formula(self):
            return getattr(self, f"formula_{self.code.replace(',', '_')}")
  4. Implement the instance methods

    • params:
      • sample: indicator set
        • e.g. 'estimated', 'confirmed', might depend on tariff
        • maybe also 'all' to calculate all indicator sets, but then the return value has to be e.g. a dict with sample name as key and the tuple (base, relevance, adjustments) as value
      • update: write or just calculate the results
    • maybe rename calculate_invoice_amount, as all values are returned, or maybe better split invoice amount calculation (only invoice_amount returned) from calculating the distribution_amount and administration_fee (but not sure if this is needed by some other process)
    • Allocation.calculate_invoice_amount(self, sample, update=False)

      invoice_amount_sum = 0
      distribution_amount_sum = 0
      administration_fee_sum = 0
      for utilisation self.utilisations:
          invoice_amount, distribution_amount, administration_fee = \
              utilisation.calculate_invoice_amount(sample, update)
          invoice_amount_sum += invoice_amount
          distribution_amount_sum += distribution_amount
          administration_fee_sum += administration_fee
      return invoice_amount, distribution_amount, administration_fee
    • Utilisation.calculate_invoice_amount(self, sample, update=False)

      utilisation = self
      invoice_amount = self.tariff.calculate_invoice_amount(utilisation, sample, update)
      return invoice_amount, distribution_amount, admnistration_fee
    • Tariff.calculate_invoice_amount(self, utilisation, sample, update=False)

      formula = self.get_formula()
      context_indicators = getattr(utilisation.context, f'{sample}_indicators')
      # generic way to get all and only indicators needed for all different formulas
      import inspect  # place import on top of file
      formula_indicators = {
          field: getattr(context_indicators, field)
          for field in inspect.signature(formula).parameters
      base, relevance, adjustments = formula(**formula_indicators):
      invoice_amount, distribution_amount, administration_fee = \
          tariff_system.calculate_invoice_amount(base, relevance, adjustments)
      if update:
          utilisation_indicators = getattr(utilisation, f'{sample}_indicators')
          utilisation_indicators.base = base
          utilisation_indicators.relevance = relevance
          utilisation_indicators.adjustments = adjustments
          utilisation_indicators.invoice_amount = invoice_amount
          utilisation_indicators.distribution_amount = distribution_amount
          utilisation_indicators.administration_fee = administration_fee

      return invoice_amount, distribution_amount, administration_fee
    • TariffSystem.calculate_invoice_amount(self, base, relevance, adjustments)

      formula = self.get_formula()
      invoice_amount = formula(base, relevance, adjustments)
      distribution_amount = invoice_amount * self.administration_share
      administration_fee = invoice_amount - distribution_amount
      # check if results add up
      return invoice_amount, distribution_amount, administration_fee
  5. Implement the same for calculate_utilisation_indicators(), maybe reuse in calculate_invoice_amount()

    • Utilisation.calculate_utilisation_indicators(self, sample, update)
    • Tariff.calculate_utilisation_indicators(self, utilisation, sample, update)
    • best case: each formula o node with a custom method to use, and one method to integrate all of them (e.g. another calculate_invoice_split() function)
  6. Implement a wizard to recalculate invoice amounts / utilsation indicators (prevent, if invoice is already issued)

  7. Check the wizard to write invoices (exists already)

  8. Write datasets to trigger the invoice action for the Allocations

    • ensure, that some allocations are still left to invoice for manual tests

Associated revisions

Revision 9c5fd1c7
Added by Thomas Mielke over 1 year ago

added wizard for allocation; ref #1140

Revision 8b0682a9
Added by Thomas Mielke over 1 year ago

renamed wizard 'allocate' to 'collect'; ref #1140

old wizard name: Allocate/utilisation.allocate new: Collect/utilisation.allocation.collect
old ModelView name: AllocateStart/utilisation.allocate.start new: CollectStart/utilisation.allocation.collect.start


#1 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#2 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#3 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#4 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#5 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#6 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#7 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#8 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

For the development of the functions, the tryton console will be your friend:

$ docker compose run --rm --service-ports erpserver bash
> db-console

#9 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#10 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#11 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#12 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#13 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#14 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#15 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#16 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#17 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#18 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#19 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#20 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#21 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#22 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#23 Updated by Thomas Mielke over 1 year ago

  • Due date set to 03/12/2023
  • Start date set to 03/03/2023
  • Estimated time set to 80.00

#24 Updated by Thomas Mielke over 1 year ago

what do you mean by "dot replaced with underscore"?

#25 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

in our demo data the tariff_system.code is e.g. "1.0". dots are not allowed in method names, so instead of "formula_1.0()" sanitize the name to "formula_1_0()". same with tariff code, which is just "self.code + self.tariff_system.code". or restrict tariff_system.code and tariff.code to contain only chars allowed in function names.

#26 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#27 Updated by Alexander Blum over 1 year ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#28 Updated by Thomas Mielke over 1 year ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

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