Webfrontend #328

Updated by Alexander Blum over 5 years ago

Artists, Releases and Creations should be commitable. The act of commiting should be conscious and make it clear, that further changes afterwards possibly imply dispute processes.

# Links

* [Specification](https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/repertoire/wiki/Specification#Commits)
* [Workflow](https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/repertoire/wiki/Workflows#Commit)

# Notes

* visibility (adjust queries!)
* own uncomitted objects should only be addable to other own uncommited objects
* one should never be able to view/add uncommited objects of others
* default list: all uncommited objects
* translation
* Entwürfe / Drafts
* Entwurf veröffentlichen / Publish draft
* commit list/confirmation: one form controller with two stages

# Views

## Commit List

* datatable sequence (add/delete)
* object -> link to show? modal with details?
* dependent objects -> link to show? modal with details?
* controls: delete
* next button -> link to commit confirmation

## Commit Confirmation

* text (implications)
* rendered object text (must be saved/logged)
* publish button -> link to commit list (+flash message)

## Dashboard

* section "drafts (number)" -> link to commit list

## Object Lists

* rows
* grouped by commit state
* uncommited: highlighted?
* revised: "certificate" seal?
* publish -> link to commit list (with probably only this object)
* filter: Draft/Published? (blocked by datatables lists?)
