Konzept #333

Updated by Alexander Blum over 7 years ago

The dispute workflow needs to be defined.

# Workflow

* The current [[Workflows#Dispute|Workflow]]

# Gui Dispute

* currently only content (detected as a duplicate) will be claimable (#334)
* it's not clear yet, where a user should be able to claim other artists/releases/creations, which would imply an interface to search our database

# Objects

A **Dispute** Dispute has a

* state: Selection (requested, assigned, resolved)
* case: Selection (list of usecases?)
* object: Reference (to the disputed objects)
* assignee: User
* request_party: Party
* request_text: Text (user statement)
* request_time: DateTime
* resolved_time: DateTime
* comments: Comment (many comments by administrators)

It's not clear yet, if one reference object is enough. It should be clear, when the list of usecases is complete.

A **Comment** has a

* dispute: Dispute
* text: Text
* time: DateTime

# Usecases

Current list of usecases

* Claim of an already claimed object
* Change/Deletion of a commited object
