Konzept #619

Which Metadata should be publicly browsable?

Added by Alexander Blum about 6 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Status:FeedbackStart date:
Priority:NiedrigDue date:
Assignee:Meik Michalke% Done:


Category:-Estimated time:2.00 h
Target version:Repertoire 3) Testing phase III


We need to decide, which parts of our database should be browsable by anonymous / authenticated users.
This decision should be tranferable to the public api.

Related issues

Related to collecting_society - Webfrontend #334: Add claim interface Neu
Blocks collecting_society - Webfrontend #719: Public browsable objects Neu


#1 Updated by Alexander Blum about 6 years ago

#2 Updated by Alexander Blum almost 6 years ago

  • The current status of public fields should be documented in the specification and must also be part of the contracts with the artists as well as the general terms on the website
  • On commit, the authors should accept the public use of the public part of the data. There should be a visual indicator, which data will be public.

#3 Updated by Alexander Blum almost 6 years ago

  • Assignee set to Alexander Blum

#4 Updated by Alexander Blum almost 6 years ago

On commit, those public fields needs also to be rendered and saved as evidence.

#5 Updated by Alexander Blum over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Neu to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Alexander Blum to Meik Michalke
  • Priority changed from Normal to Niedrig
  • Target version changed from 2) Testing phase II to 3) Testing phase III
  • % Done changed from 0 to 70

I went systematically through our database models and compiled this list as a suggestion for the models/fields of our public api.
I also added the list of non public model/fields and which models/fields I omitted due to transparency for the decision.
If anything else is needed, just comment it here.
I went through this list with Thomas already an he's fine with it.
It would be nice, if it could be decided until end of the year, that we might adjust our apis accordingly.
As soon as it is decided, I put this in the specifications (or probably better a special wiki site).



  • code (Text)
  • group (True/False)
  • name (Text)
  • description (Text)
  • picture_data (Image)
  • picture_data_mime_type (Text)
  • solo_artists (-> Artist)
  • group_artists (-> Artist)
  • releases (-> Release)
  • creations (-> Creation)


  • original_creation (-> Creation)
  • derivative_creation (-> Creation)
  • allocation_type (Adaption/Remix/Cover)


  • title (Text)
  • code (Text)
  • artist (Artist)
  • contributions (-> CreationContribution)
  • derivative_relations (-> CreationDerivative)
  • original_relations (-> CreationDerivative)
  • releases (-> Release)
  • tariff_categories (-> CreationTariffCategory)


  • original_creation (-> Creation)
  • derivative_creation (-> Creation)
  • allocation_type (Adation/Remix/Cover)


  • creation (-> Creation)
  • artist (-> Artist)
  • type (Performance/Composition/Text)
  • performance (Recording/Producing/Mastering/Mixing)
  • collecting_society (-> CollectingSociety)
  • neighbouring_rights_society (-> CollectingSociety)
  • roles (-> CreationRoles)


  • creation (-> Creation)
  • category (-> TariffCategory)
  • collecting_society (-> CollectingSociety)


  • name (Text)
  • description (Text)


  • type (Artist/Compilation)
  • artists (-> Artist)
  • tracks (-> ReleaseTrack)
  • title (Text)
  • code (Text)
  • picture_data (Image)
  • picture_data_mime_type (Text)
  • genres (-> Genre)
  • styles (-> Style)
  • number_mediums (Number)
  • warning (Text)
  • copyright_date (Date)
  • production_date (Date)
  • ean_upc_code (Text)
  • isrc_code (Text)
  • release_date (Date)
  • release_cancellation_date (Date)
  • online_release_date (Date)
  • online_cancellation_date (Date)
  • distribution_territory (Text)
  • label (-> Label)
  • label_catalog_number (Text)
  • publisher (-> Publisher)


  • release (-> Release)
  • creation (-> Creation)
  • title (Text)
  • medium_number (Number)
  • track_number (Number)
  • license (-> License)


  • name (Text)
  • description (Text)


  • name (Text)
  • description (Text)


  • name (Text)
  • party (-> Party)
  • gvl_code (Text)


  • name (Text)
  • party (-> Party)


  • lyrics (Text)

Not Public (Selective or no access)


  • party (-> Party)
  • invitation_token (Text)
  • entity_creator (-> Party)
  • acl (-> AccessControlEntry)


  • entity_creator (-> Party)
  • acl (-> AccessControlEntry)


  • content (-> Content)
  • entity_creator (-> Party)
  • acl (-> AccessControlEntry)


  • entity_creator (-> Party)


  • entity_creator (-> Party)


  • entity_creator (-> Party)


  • code (Text)
  • uuid (Text)
  • category (Audio/Sheet/Lyrics)
  • creation (-> Creation)
  • name (Text: Filename)
  • size (Number: Filesize)
  • mime_type (Text)
  • checksums (-> Checksum)
  • path (Text)
  • preview_path (Text)
  • filesystem_label (-> FilesystemLabel)
  • processing_state (Text)
  • processing_hostname (Text)
  • storage_hostname (Text)
  • rejection_reason (Text)
  • rejection_reason_details (Text)
  • duplicate_of (-> Content)
  • duplicates (-> Content)
  • mediation (True/False)
  • length (Number)
  • channels (Number)
  • sample_rate (Number)
  • sample_width (Number)
  • metadata_artist (Text)
  • metadata_title (Text)
  • metadata_release (Text)
  • metadata_release_date (Text)
  • metadata_track_number (Text)
  • fingerprintlogs (-> Fingerprintlog)
  • pre_ingest_excerpt_score (Number)
  • post_ingest_excerpt_score (Number)
  • most_similiar_content (-> Content)
  • most_similiar_artist (Text)
  • most_similiar_track (Text)
  • entity_creator (-> Party)
  • acl (-> AccessControlEntry)


  • Selective access means not public, e.g.
    • viewable by administrators only
    • viewable by selected web users (e.g. creators only, members, etc.)
  • If it needs to be more detailed, I need a specification.

Omitted tables

  • No user data
    • CollectingSociety
    • TariffSystem
    • TariffCategory
    • Tariff
    • Storehouse
    • HarddiskLabel
    • Harddisk
    • HarddiskTest
    • FilesystemLabel
    • Filesystem
    • Checksum
  • Relation Only
    • ArtistArtist
    • ArtistRelease
    • ArtistPayeeAcceptance
    • CreationContributionRole
    • ReleaseGenre
    • ReleaseStyle
  • ACL Tables
    • AccessControlEntry
    • AccessControlEntryRole
    • AccessRole
    • AccessRolePermission
    • AccessPermission
  • Unused (for now)
    • Allocation
    • Distribution
    • DistributeStart
    • Utilisation
    • Client
    • Identifier
    • Identification
    • Fingerprintlog

Omitted Fields

  • All db stuff autocreated by tryton (id column, etc)
  • All function fields (just fetching/processing of data fields)
  • State flags
    • deleted
    • active
    • entity_origin (Direct/Indirect)
    • claim_state (Unclaimed/Claimed/Revised)
    • commit_state (Uncommited/Commited/Revised/Rejected/Deleted)
  • Technical Ids
    • oid (Public UUID)
  • Fingerprints (-> echoprint server)
    • Fingerprint itself will not be public
    • Service could be public to match fingerprint chunks
  • Unused (for now)
    • Artist
      • payee (Party)
      • payee_proposal (Party)
      • payee_acceptances (Party)
      • valid_payee (Party)
      • bank_account_number (Bank Account Number)
      • bank_account_numbers (Bank Account Number)
      • bank_account_owner (Party)
    • Creation
      • identifiers


  • Public images
    • Does that mean, that we need a license?
    • Even for artist member views of the Artist/Release?
    • Drop image fields, if only the creator may view it?

#6 Updated by Alexander Blum over 5 years ago

#7 Updated by Alexander Blum almost 5 years ago

  • Target version changed from 3) Testing phase III to Repertoire 3) Testing phase III

#8 Updated by Alexander Blum almost 5 years ago

  • Project changed from repertoire to collecting_society

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