Overview » History » Version 25

Thomas Mielke, 12/15/2021 12:41 AM

1 1 Alexander Blum
2 1 Alexander Blum
3 1 Alexander Blum
# Overview
4 1 Alexander Blum
5 25 Thomas Mielke
* [Documentation](https://docs.c3s.cc/collecting_society)
6 11 Alexander Blum
* [Roadmap](https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/collecting_societyr/roadmap) -- Deployment plan
7 2 Alexander Blum
* [[Usecases]] -- List of Usecases
8 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Specification]] -- Software specifications
9 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Estimates]] -- Estimates and benchmarks
10 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Architecture]] -- Software architecture
11 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Databasemodels]] -- Database models
12 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Workflows]] -- System workflows
13 22 Alexander Blum
* [Repositories](http://docs.c3s.cc/collecting_society/development/generated/collecting_society_docker_README.html#services) -- List of repositories
14 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Scripts]] -- Additional scripts
15 1 Alexander Blum
* [[HowTo]] -- Guidances for development
16 1 Alexander Blum
17 1 Alexander Blum
18 1 Alexander Blum
# Components
19 1 Alexander Blum
20 1 Alexander Blum
## Tryton
21 1 Alexander Blum
22 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Databasemodels#Tryton|Databasemodel]] -- Database model
23 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Workflows#Cascades|Cascades]] -- Cascades of DB operations
24 1 Alexander Blum
* [[HowTo#Tryton|HowTo]] -- Guidances for development with tryton
25 1 Alexander Blum
26 1 Alexander Blum
## Pyramid
27 1 Alexander Blum
28 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Conventions]] -- Coding conventions
29 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Pyramid Concepts|Concepts]] -- Concepts
30 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Pyramid ACL|ACL]] -- Access control
31 1 Alexander Blum
32 1 Alexander Blum
## Processing
33 1 Alexander Blum
34 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Specification#File-Processing|Specification]] -- Specification of processing
35 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Workflows#File-Processing|Workflow]] -- Workflow of processing
36 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Scripts#File-Processing|Scripts]] -- Scripts for processing
37 1 Alexander Blum
38 1 Alexander Blum
## Archiving
39 1 Alexander Blum
40 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Specification#Archiving|Specification]] -- Specification of archiving
41 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Databasemodels#Archiving|Databasemodel]] -- Database model
42 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Scripts#Archiving|Scripts]] -- Scripts for archiving
43 1 Alexander Blum
44 1 Alexander Blum
## Echoprint
45 1 Alexander Blum
46 1 Alexander Blum
* [[Databasemodels#Echoprint|Databasemodel]] -- Database model
47 1 Alexander Blum
48 1 Alexander Blum
49 1 Alexander Blum
# Contribution
50 1 Alexander Blum
51 1 Alexander Blum
## Entrypoint
52 1 Alexander Blum
53 4 Alexander Blum
1. [Connect](https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/collecting_society/wiki/Overview#Communication) with us
54 22 Alexander Blum
2. [Read](http://docs.c3s.cc/collecting_society/development/generated/collecting_society_docker_README.html#overview) about the software
55 22 Alexander Blum
3. [Setup](http://docs.c3s.cc/collecting_society/development/generated/collecting_society_docker_README.html#installation) the development environment
56 6 Alexander Blum
4. [Register](https://www.c3s.cc/kontakt-2) an account for redmine
57 6 Alexander Blum
5. [Pick](https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/collecting_society/issues) an open ticket
58 6 Alexander Blum
6. [Code](https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/collecting_society/wiki/Convention#Convention) the task
59 6 Alexander Blum
7. [Ask](https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/collecting_society/wiki/Overview#Communication) questions, if you get stuck
60 6 Alexander Blum
8. [Send](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/) a pull request for review
61 1 Alexander Blum
62 1 Alexander Blum
## Helpful Skills
63 1 Alexander Blum
64 1 Alexander Blum
* Concepts
65 1 Alexander Blum
    * [Audiofingerprinting](https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Fingerprinting)
66 1 Alexander Blum
    * [Distributed Systems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_computing)
67 1 Alexander Blum
    * [RESTful APIs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer#Applied_to_web_services)
68 1 Alexander Blum
* Development Environment (Frontend / Backend)
69 1 Alexander Blum
    * [Docker](https://www.docker.com/),
70 1 Alexander Blum
71 1 Alexander Blum
* Frontend
72 1 Alexander Blum
    * [Python](https://www.python.org/)
73 1 Alexander Blum
        * *Framework*:
74 1 Alexander Blum
75 1 Alexander Blum
        * *Datastructures*:
76 1 Alexander Blum
77 1 Alexander Blum
        * *Forms*:
78 1 Alexander Blum
79 1 Alexander Blum
        * *API*:
80 1 Alexander Blum
81 1 Alexander Blum
        * *Templates*:
82 1 Alexander Blum
83 1 Alexander Blum
        * *Tests*: 
84 1 Alexander Blum
85 1 Alexander Blum
86 1 Alexander Blum
87 1 Alexander Blum
    * [Html](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Markup_Language),
88 1 Alexander Blum
89 1 Alexander Blum
90 1 Alexander Blum
91 1 Alexander Blum
92 1 Alexander Blum
* Backend / Database Abstraction Layer
93 1 Alexander Blum
    * [Python](https://www.python.org/) 
94 1 Alexander Blum
95 1 Alexander Blum
* Design ([Open Formats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_format#Examples_of_open_formats))
96 1 Alexander Blum
* Non-technical
97 1 Alexander Blum
    * Usertests ([Patience](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright#Duration))
98 1 Alexander Blum
    * Translations ([Language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_indigenous_language_names))
99 1 Alexander Blum
100 1 Alexander Blum
## Communication
101 1 Alexander Blum
102 20 Alexander Blum
103 21 Alexander Blum
|             | Link                                             |
104 21 Alexander Blum
105 21 Alexander Blum
| **Web**     | [Contact Form](https://www.c3s.cc/kontakt-2)
106 21 Alexander Blum
| **Jabber**  | `hacking@conference.jabber.c3s.cc`
107 21 Alexander Blum
| **Matrix**  | `#hacking:matrix.c3s.cc`
108 1 Alexander Blum
109 1 Alexander Blum
## References
110 1 Alexander Blum
111 1 Alexander Blum
|                     | ref                          | doc                         | demo                        |
112 1 Alexander Blum
113 1 Alexander Blum
| Conventions         |                              | [doc][conventions_doc]
114 1 Alexander Blum
| Docker              | [ref][docker_ref]            | [doc][docker_doc]
115 1 Alexander Blum
| Docker-Compose      | [ref][dockercompose_ref]     | [doc][dockercompose_doc]
116 1 Alexander Blum
| Python              | [ref][python_ref]            | [doc][python_doc]
117 17 Alexander Blum
| Click               | [ref][click_ref]             | [doc][click_doc]
118 17 Alexander Blum
| PyDub               | [ref][pydub_ref]             | [doc][pydub_doc]
119 17 Alexander Blum
| PyEchonest          |                              | [doc][pyechonest_doc]
120 16 Alexander Blum
| Tryton              | [ref][tryton_ref]            | [doc][tryton_doc]
121 1 Alexander Blum
| Pyramid             | [ref][pyramid_ref]           | [doc][pyramid_doc]
122 1 Alexander Blum
| Colander            | [ref][colander_ref]          | [doc][colander_doc]
123 1 Alexander Blum
| Deform              | [ref][deform_ref]            | [doc][deform_doc]           | [demo][deform_demo]
124 1 Alexander Blum
| Chameleon           | [ref][chameleon_ref]         | [doc][chameleon_doc]
125 1 Alexander Blum
| Cornice             | [ref][cornice_ref]           | [doc][cornice_doc]
126 17 Alexander Blum
| CorniceSwagger      | [ref][corniceswagger_ref]    | [doc][corniceswagger_doc]
127 1 Alexander Blum
| Unittest            | [ref][unittest_ref]          | [doc][unittest_doc]
128 1 Alexander Blum
| Nose                | [ref][nose_ref]              | [doc][nose_doc]
129 1 Alexander Blum
| WebTest             | [ref][webtest_ref]           | [doc][webtest_doc]
130 1 Alexander Blum
| WebDriver           | [ref][webdriver_ref]         | [doc][webdriver_doc]
131 1 Alexander Blum
| Bootstrap           | [ref][bootstrap_ref]         | [doc][bootstrap_doc]
132 1 Alexander Blum
| jQuery-File-Upload  | [ref][jqueryfileupload_ref]  | [doc][jqueryfileupload_doc]
133 1 Alexander Blum
| Datatables          | [ref][datatables_ref]        | [doc][datatables_doc]
134 1 Alexander Blum
135 10 Alexander Blum
[conventions_doc]: https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/collecting_society/wiki/Conventions
136 14 Alexander Blum
[docker_ref]: https://docs.docker.com/reference/
137 14 Alexander Blum
[docker_doc]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/
138 1 Alexander Blum
[dockercompose_ref]: https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file
139 1 Alexander Blum
[dockercompose_doc]: https://docs.docker.com/compose
140 14 Alexander Blum
[python_ref]: https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/index.html
141 14 Alexander Blum
[python_doc]: https://docs.python.org/3.9/
142 17 Alexander Blum
[click_ref]: https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.0.x/#api-reference
143 17 Alexander Blum
[click_doc]: https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.0.x/
144 18 Alexander Blum
[pydub_ref]: https://github.com/jiaaro/pydub/blob/master/API.markdown
145 17 Alexander Blum
[pydub_doc]: https://github.com/jiaaro/pydub
146 17 Alexander Blum
[pyechonest_doc]: https://github.com/echonest/pyechonest/tree/9.0.0
147 14 Alexander Blum
[tryton_ref]: https://docs.tryton.org/projects/server/en/6.0/ref/index.html
148 14 Alexander Blum
[tryton_doc]: https://docs.tryton.org/en/6.0/
149 14 Alexander Blum
[pyramid_ref]: https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/2.0-branch/api/index.html
150 14 Alexander Blum
[pyramid_doc]: https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/2.0-branch/narr/introduction.html
151 14 Alexander Blum
[colander_ref]: https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/colander/en/stable/api.html
152 14 Alexander Blum
[colander_doc]: https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/colander/en/stable/
153 14 Alexander Blum
[deform_ref]: https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/deform/en/stable/api.html
154 14 Alexander Blum
[deform_doc]: https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/deform/en/stable/index.html
155 12 Alexander Blum
[deform_demo]: https://deformdemo.pylonsproject.org/
156 12 Alexander Blum
[chameleon_ref]: https://chameleon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference.html
157 1 Alexander Blum
[chameleon_doc]: https://chameleon.readthedocs.org/en/latest
158 12 Alexander Blum
[cornice_ref]: https://cornice.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html
159 12 Alexander Blum
[cornice_doc]: https://cornice.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
160 17 Alexander Blum
[corniceswagger_ref]: https://cornices.github.io/cornice.ext.swagger/api.html
161 17 Alexander Blum
[corniceswagger_doc]: https://cornices.github.io/cornice.ext.swagger/
162 14 Alexander Blum
[unittest_doc]: https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/unittest.html
163 14 Alexander Blum
[unittest_ref]: https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/unittest.html#classes-and-functions
164 12 Alexander Blum
[nose_ref]: https://pythontesting.net/framework/nose/nose-fixture-reference
165 1 Alexander Blum
[nose_doc]: https://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
166 12 Alexander Blum
[webtest_ref]: https://webtest.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html
167 12 Alexander Blum
[webtest_doc]: https://webtest.readthedocs.org/en/latest
168 12 Alexander Blum
[webdriver_ref]: https://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/api.html
169 12 Alexander Blum
[webdriver_doc]: https://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/
170 12 Alexander Blum
[bootstrap_ref]: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/css/
171 12 Alexander Blum
[bootstrap_doc]: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/
172 1 Alexander Blum
[jqueryfileupload_ref]: https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/Options
173 1 Alexander Blum
[jqueryfileupload_doc]: https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki
174 1 Alexander Blum
[datatables_ref]: https://datatables.net/reference/index
175 1 Alexander Blum
[datatables_doc]: https://datatables.net/manual/index