Architecture » History » Version 1

Alexander Blum, 10/05/2019 08:10 PM

1 1 Alexander Blum
2 1 Alexander Blum
3 1 Alexander Blum
# Architecture
4 1 Alexander Blum
5 1 Alexander Blum
## System
6 1 Alexander Blum
7 1 Alexander Blum
8 1 Alexander Blum
    Machine (VM-Web)    | Internal Services       | Users             | External Services
9 1 Alexander Blum
                        |                         |                   |
10 1 Alexander Blum
    ------   ---------- | ----------------------- |   \o/             |
11 1 Alexander Blum
    |    |---| Portal |---|     Repertoire      |---   O    Authors   |
12 1 Alexander Blum
    |    |   ---------- | ----------------------- |   / \             |
13 1 Alexander Blum
    |    |              |                         |   ___             |
14 1 Alexander Blum
    |    |   ---------- |                         |  |101|            |
15 1 Alexander Blum
    | DB |---|  Api   |----------------------------- |___|  Machines --- ...
16 1 Alexander Blum
    |    |   ---------- |                         |  __|__            | 
17 1 Alexander Blum
    |    |              |                         |                   |
18 1 Alexander Blum
    |    |   ---------- | ----------------------- |   \o/             |
19 1 Alexander Blum
    |    |---| Tryton |---|   Administration    |---   O    Admins    |
20 1 Alexander Blum
    ------   ---------- | ----------------------- |   / \             |
21 1 Alexander Blum
                        |                         |                   |
22 1 Alexander Blum
23 1 Alexander Blum
## Machines
24 1 Alexander Blum
25 1 Alexander Blum
     M = Physical Machine
26 1 Alexander Blum
    VM = Virtual Machine
27 1 Alexander Blum
28 1 Alexander Blum
### Minimal Setup
29 1 Alexander Blum
30 1 Alexander Blum
    --------------------------------------------------  -----------------
31 1 Alexander Blum
    |                                                |  |               |
32 1 Alexander Blum
    | 1. Upload ---> 2. Process -----> 3. Drop -----------> 4. Archive  |
33 1 Alexander Blum
    | -----------    --------------    ------------- |  | ------------- |
34 1 Alexander Blum
    | |   Web   |    | Processing |    |  Dropper  | |  | |  Archive  | |
35 1 Alexander Blum
    | -----------    --------------    ------------- |  | ------------- |
36 1 Alexander Blum
    |     |     \    /      |      .    /            |  |               |
37 1 Alexander Blum
    |     |      \  /       |       .  /             |  |               |
38 1 Alexander Blum
    |     |       \/        |        ./              |  |               |
39 1 Alexander Blum
    |     |       /\        |        /.              |  |               |
40 1 Alexander Blum
    |     |      /  \       |       /  .             |  |               |
41 1 Alexander Blum
    | -----------    --------------    ------------- |  | ------------- |
42 1 Alexander Blum
    | | Content |    |   Storage  |    | Echoprint | |  | | Integrity | |
43 1 Alexander Blum
    | -----------    --------------    ------------- |  | ------------- |
44 1 Alexander Blum
    --------------------------------------------------  -----------------
45 1 Alexander Blum
                          M-Web                             M-Archive
46 1 Alexander Blum
47 1 Alexander Blum
1 x [[M-Web]]
48 1 Alexander Blum
49 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Web]]: Nginx, Pyramid Web, Pyramid Api, Tryton, Db
50 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Processing]]: Processingscript
51 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Dropper]]: Intermedieate file storage not connected to internet
52 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Storage]]: Sambaserver: Mounts in VM-Web, VM-Pro, VM-Dro
53 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Content]]: Previews, Sambaserver: Mount in VM-Web
54 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Echoprint]]: Queryserver, Indexserver
55 1 Alexander Blum
56 1 Alexander Blum
1 x [[M-Archive]]
57 1 Alexander Blum
58 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Archive]]: Archiving
59 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Integritytests]]: Integritytests
60 1 Alexander Blum
61 1 Alexander Blum
62 1 Alexander Blum
### Optimal Setup
63 1 Alexander Blum
64 1 Alexander Blum
1 x [[M-Nginx]]
65 1 Alexander Blum
66 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Nginx]]: Dispatcher, Loadbalancer
67 1 Alexander Blum
68 1 Alexander Blum
1 x [[M-Database]]
69 1 Alexander Blum
70 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Database]]: Db, Tryton
71 1 Alexander Blum
72 1 Alexander Blum
n x [[M-Web]]
73 1 Alexander Blum
74 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Web]]: Pyramid Web, Pyramid Api
75 1 Alexander Blum
76 1 Alexander Blum
n x [[M-Processing]]
77 1 Alexander Blum
78 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Processing]]: Processingscript (Preview)
79 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Processing]]: Processingscript (Checksum)
80 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Processing]]: Processingscript (Fingerprint)
81 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Dropper]]: Intermedieate file storage not connected to internet
82 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Storage]]: Sambaserver: Mounts in VM-Web, VM-Processing
83 1 Alexander Blum
84 1 Alexander Blum
n x [[M-Content]]
85 1 Alexander Blum
86 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Content]]: Static Fileserver
87 1 Alexander Blum
88 1 Alexander Blum
n x [[M-Archive]]
89 1 Alexander Blum
90 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Archive]]: Archiving
91 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-Integritytests]]: Integritytests
92 1 Alexander Blum
93 1 Alexander Blum
1 x [[M-EchoprintQuery]]
94 1 Alexander Blum
95 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-EchoprintQuery]]: Queryserver for Echoprint
96 1 Alexander Blum
97 1 Alexander Blum
n x [[M-EchoprintIndex]]
98 1 Alexander Blum
99 1 Alexander Blum
* [[VM-EchoprintIndex]]: Indexserver for Echoprint
100 1 Alexander Blum
101 1 Alexander Blum
### List
102 1 Alexander Blum
103 1 Alexander Blum