Repo Restructuring

Attention! The collecting_society repos have been subject to major restructuring (renaming of branches and files). Read on if you want to keep your local repos in line.
Added by Thomas Mielke over 3 years ago

In order to sync your local repos, for all collecting_society_* repos (+archiving, +portal) enter these commands to rename the current dev branch (form 'develop' to 'development'):

git branch -m develop development # <-- note: old name 'develop' may vary for certain repos
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/development development
git remote set-head origin -a

Check that the repo actually was on branch 'develop'. The default branch of collecting_society_worker was actually 'master'. See to see the changes.

This is the complete list of affected repos:

  • collecting_society_docker
  • portal_web
  • collecting_society_worker
  • collecting_society_web
  • archiving
  • portal
  • collecting_society

echoprint-server is currently not affected to maintain the branches before the fork from Spotify.

Note that there has also been some renaming of scripts and config files.

A container rebuild is highly recommended.

If you run into any trouble, reach out to Alex or Thomas.
