Webfrontend #334

Updated by Alexander Blum over 5 years ago

The user should be enabled to claim Artists, Releases and Creations. objects:

# Links

* [Specification](https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/repertoire/wiki/Specification#Claims)
* [Workflow](https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/repertoire/wiki/Workflows#Claim)

# Notes

* Check information leakage (e.G. no email) on claims
* State 'revised' seems to be obsolete now
* Stage 'demanded' went into commit workflow (created vs uncommitted)
* ACL needs to be applied
* e.g.
if a release one content is claimed for artist X, the web user needs to have admin rights for artist X
* if no object exists, for which some object can be claimed,
detected as a claim should not be possible (no button)
* Already claimed objects should not be claimable again (e.g. if there's a dispute)
* Maybe
duplicate, there should be a button to start a dispute link for claim requests, which resulted in a dispute? process

# Views

## Claim List

* datatable sequence (maybe template first, but most lists
The user should be datatable sequences in the end), default list: offered objects
* object (which object)
* for (for what object)
* dependencies (artist -> releases, release -> creations; maybe only on confirmation view?)
* control: remove

## Claim Confirmation

* text (implications)
* object (Readonly / Link?)
* for (Readonly / Link?)
* submit -> link
able to claim list or dispute show (+ flash message) revise claimed objects.

## Dashboard

* section "claim offers (number)" -> link to claim list

## Object Show

* claim button -> link to claim confirmation
Check information leakage (e.G. no email).
