Webfrontend #623

Updated by Alexander Blum over 5 years ago

Artists/Releases/Creations/Content Artists/Releases/Creations need to be disputable, to delegate a dispute between web users to administrator staff.

# Links

* [Specification](https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/repertoire/wiki/Specification#Disputes)
* [Workflow](https://redmine.c3s.cc/projects/repertoire/wiki/Workflows#Dispute)

# Notes

* maybe add additional comment field for communication with disputing users (opposed to administrator comments)
* maybe add wizards to automatically resolve/dismiss the request by administrators within tryton

# Views

## Dispute List

* datatable sequence (maybe template first, but most lists should be datatable sequences in the end)
* date
* code
* reference -> Link to Show / Modal?
* case
* state (default sort)
* show -> link to dispute show

## Dispute Confirmation

* text (implications)
* case (Select)
* reference (Readonly / Link?)
* comment
* submit -> link to dispute show (+ flash message)

## Dispute Show

* code (header?)
* case
* state
* reference
* comment
* text (implications "no money", "contact information", etc)
* "undispute" (if web_user started it)

## Dashboard

* section "disputes (number)" -> link to dispute list

## Object Lists
(artists/releases/creations/content) (artists/releases/creations)

* rows
* grouped by dispute state
* disputed: highlighted?
* show dispute button -> link to dispute show
* filter: Disputed? (blocked by datatables lists?)

## Object Show
(artist/release/creation/content) (artist/release/creation)

* dispute button -> link to dispute confirmation (content: only rejected)
