Conventions » History » Version 2

Thomas Mielke, 02/15/2020 03:45 PM

1 1 Alexander Blum
# Conventions
2 1 Alexander Blum
3 1 Alexander Blum
## Codingstyle
4 1 Alexander Blum
5 1 Alexander Blum
* [PEP 8 compliance][pep8] 
6 1 Alexander Blum
    * line length: 80 columns
7 1 Alexander Blum
    * intendation: 4 spaces
8 1 Alexander Blum
* pinning of module versions
9 1 Alexander Blum
* relative filepaths, where possible
10 1 Alexander Blum
11 1 Alexander Blum
12 1 Alexander Blum
13 1 Alexander Blum
## Docstrings
14 1 Alexander Blum
15 1 Alexander Blum
* [Google Style Python Docstrings][docstrings]
16 1 Alexander Blum
17 2 Thomas Mielke
18 1 Alexander Blum
19 1 Alexander Blum
## Branching
20 1 Alexander Blum
21 1 Alexander Blum
* [A successful Git branching model][nvie]
22 1 Alexander Blum
    * master branch (= release)
23 1 Alexander Blum
    * develop branch (integration of feature branches)
24 1 Alexander Blum
    * feature branches (for each feature)
25 1 Alexander Blum
26 1 Alexander Blum
27 1 Alexander Blum
28 1 Alexander Blum
## Filestructure
29 1 Alexander Blum
30 1 Alexander Blum
31 1 Alexander Blum
├── <MODULE>                         # <MODULE> name
32 1 Alexander Blum
│   │
33 1 Alexander Blum
│   ├── locale                       # files for translations
34 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── <LANG>                   # files for translation language <LANG>
35 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   │   └── LC_MESSAGES 
36 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   │       ├── <MODULE>.mo      # machine readable list of messages for <MODULE>
37 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   │       └── <MODULE>.po      # human editable list of messages for <MODULE>
38 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   └── MODULE.pot               # template file with message identifiers for <MODULE>
39 1 Alexander Blum
│   │
40 1 Alexander Blum
│   ├── models                       # files for tryton model wrapper
41 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├──              # imports of model wrapper
42 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   └──                 # wrapper for tryton <MODEL> (__name__)
43 1 Alexander Blum
│   │
44 1 Alexander Blum
│   ├── services                     # files for services (reusable, special purpose code)
45 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├──              # imports for services
46 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   └──               # <SERVICE> name
47 1 Alexander Blum
│   │
48 1 Alexander Blum
│   ├── static                       # files for static content
49 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── css                      # files for cascading stylesheets
50 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── font                     # files for fonts
51 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── img                      # files for images
52 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── js                       # files for javascript
53 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   └── lib                      # files for libraries (e.g. bundles of css/font/img/js)
54 1 Alexander Blum
│   │
55 1 Alexander Blum
│   ├── templates                    # files for chameleon templates
56 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── debug                    # files for templates for debug views
57 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── deform                   # files for templates for deform (overwriting default templates)
58 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── mail                     # files for templates for mails
59 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── widgets                  # files for templates for widgets (reusable content)
60 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── <VIEWCLASS>              # files for templates for <VIEWCLASS>
61 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   │   └── <VIEWMETHOD>.pt      # template for <VIEWMETHOD> of <VIEWCLASS>
62 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   └──                # chameleon macros (reusable template snippets)
63 1 Alexander Blum
│   │
64 1 Alexander Blum
│   ├── tests                        # files for tests
65 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── pageobjects              # files for page object pattern for integration tests
66 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   │   └── <FORM>.py            # page object for <FORM>
67 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── functional               # files for functional tests (webtest)
68 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   │   └── <FUNCTION>.py        # functional tests for <FUNCTION>
69 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── integration              # files for integration tests (webdriver)
70 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   │   └── <USECASE>.py         # integraion tests for <USECASE>
71 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   └── unit                     # files for unit tests (unittest), resembles filestructure
72 1 Alexander Blum
│   │       ├── models               # files for unit tests for tryton models
73 1 Alexander Blum
│   │       │   └── <MODEL>.py       # unit tests for <MODEL>
74 1 Alexander Blum
│   │       ├── services             # files for unit tests for services
75 1 Alexander Blum
│   │       │   └── <SERVICE>.py     # unit tests for <USECASE>
76 1 Alexander Blum
│   │       ├── views                # files for unit tests for views
77 1 Alexander Blum
│   │       │   └── <VIEWCLASS>.py   # unit tests for <VIEWCLASS>
78 1 Alexander Blum
│   │       ├──           # unit tests for helpers
79 1 Alexander Blum
│   │       └──         # unit tests for resources
80 1 Alexander Blum
│   │
81 1 Alexander Blum
│   ├── views                        # files for views
82 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── api                      # files for api views
83 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   │   └── <API>.py             # views for <API>
84 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── forms                    # files for form controller
85 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   │   └── <FORM>.py            # form controller for <FORM>
86 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   ├── widgets                  # files for widgets
87 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   │   └── <WIDGET>.py          # <WIDGET> name
88 1 Alexander Blum
│   │   └── <VIEWCLASS>.py           # views for <VIEWCLASS>
89 1 Alexander Blum
│   │
90 1 Alexander Blum
│   ├──                  # includes for resources, registry and views (plugin system)
91 1 Alexander Blum
│   └──                 # resources for traversal
92 1 Alexander Blum
93 1 Alexander Blum
├── README.rst                       # readme
94 1 Alexander Blum
├── CHANGELOG.rst                    # changelog
95 1 Alexander Blum
├── COPYRIGHT.rst                    # copyright note
96 1 Alexander Blum
├── LICENSE-<LICENCSE>.rst           # <LICENSE> in full text
97 1 Alexander Blum
├──                      # manifest for distribution package
98 1 Alexander Blum
├──                         # setup for distribution package
99 1 Alexander Blum
├── development.ini                  # configuration of development environment
100 1 Alexander Blum
├── production.ini                   # configuration of production environment
101 1 Alexander Blum
└── testing.ini                      # configuration of testing environment
102 1 Alexander Blum
103 1 Alexander Blum
104 1 Alexander Blum
## Important Files
105 1 Alexander Blum
106 1 Alexander Blum
107 1 Alexander Blum
└── collecting_society_portal
108 1 Alexander Blum
109 1 Alexander Blum
    ├── models
110 1 Alexander Blum
    │   └──                  # base class for model wrappers, db connection handling
111 1 Alexander Blum
112 1 Alexander Blum
    ├── templates 
113 1 Alexander Blum
    │   ├──             # template 'backend39' for the backend with 2 columns
114 1 Alexander Blum
    │   ├──            # template 'backend363' for the backend with 3 columns
115 1 Alexander Blum
    │   ├──                  # base template including headers and main slots
116 1 Alexander Blum
    │   └──              # template 'frontend' for the frontend
117 1 Alexander Blum
118 1 Alexander Blum
    ├── tests 
119 1 Alexander Blum
    │   ├── pageobjects
120 1 Alexander Blum
    │   │   ├──              # base page element
121 1 Alexander Blum
    │   │   ├──          # elements (mapper of deform objects)
122 1 Alexander Blum
    │   │   └──           # deform form (parser of deform form object)
123 1 Alexander Blum
    │   ├──              # preparations for each test run
124 1 Alexander Blum
    │   ├──                  # base class for tests, testserver/-client handling
125 1 Alexander Blum
    │   └──                # configuration of tests
126 1 Alexander Blum
127 1 Alexander Blum
    ├── views
128 1 Alexander Blum
    │   ├── forms                    # files for formcontroller
129 1 Alexander Blum
    │   │   ├──          # definition of default form renderer
130 1 Alexander Blum
    │   │   └──              # base class for form controller, deform helper classes
131 1 Alexander Blum
    │   └──                  # base class for views
132 1 Alexander Blum
133 1 Alexander Blum
    ├──                  # main function, creation of app
134 1 Alexander Blum
    ├──                    # configuration of app
135 1 Alexander Blum
    └──                   # helpers for templates
136 1 Alexander Blum